Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

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Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
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How to Conduct a Tanks Sounding Survey on board the Vessel?

How to Conduct a Tanks Sounding Survey on board the Vessel?

Marine Surveyor Indonesia - if you come on board a tanker vessel or oil barge to perform a Bunker Survey or to conduct a Draft Survey, a Marine Surveyor like you need to taken a Tanks Soundings Jobs for determined and calculated a Ballast Water Quantity or Fuel Oil Quantity on board, so this time we as a marine surveyor indonesian just want to share a articles of How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?

first to know is tools, why ?
due to for perform a tank sounding we must be need a tool, he call this tool with Sounding Tools or Sounding Tape (see picture below)

Sounding Tools
The tools need for sounding the fuel oil hole or ballast water hole on deck of the ship's or vessel, the tools of Sounding Tape shown the measurement standard gauge in Meter or Feet but generally using the Sounding Tape in Meter Standard Gauge

for Sounding Tape, in meter or feet. For Manual measurement of sounding, a measuring tape normally made up of brass and steel with a weighted bob attached at the end of the tape is used.

The another tools need for Doing a Tanks Sounding on board the Motor Tanker, Oil Barge or General Cargo Ship's is Water Finding Pastes or Oil Finding Pastes.

Water Finding Paste or Oil Finding Paste
- Water Finder and Oil Finder Pastes. Sounding pastes are also available for both water and gas oil which highlights the level of fluid in tape. Another name of Water Finding paste is Kolor Kut Water Finding Paste, this is same function.

sounding paste Tank Sounding Basic

Sounding Tanks Step of Works:
- Check the sounding tape and partly lowered on to the sounding pipe.
- Layered the suspected sounding depth with Water Finder Paste (if you check the ballast)
- Layered the suspected sounding depth with Oil Finder Paste (if you check the oil)
- Continued to lowered the tape until the sounding tape bob touching the bottom tank (datum plate).
- Roll up the sounding tape.
- Check the height of water / oil level that signed on the tape or  the finder paste  changes the color  to become red.
- Recorded the sounding.
- Check the trim and list of the ship for volume calculation.
How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?
How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?
How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?
How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?
See the below video for your ref.

Now all of you already understanding with Tanks Sounding Jobs Performance on board a oil barge or motor tanker vessel, this a answered for the question of How Do Tanks Sounding on board the Vessel?

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Baca juga tulisan kami lainnya Berbagai Jenis Software Marine Surveyor Yang Paling Dibutuhkan para Pelaut

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