Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan minyak dikapal tanker atau oil barge (tongkang minyak).

Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

Kami juga memiliki Table ASTM digital untuk Table 53, 54, 54B, 56 dan 57 , yang akan kami berikan kepada anda gratis, sebagai bonus perkenalan.

<<<< (gambar tampilan program)

Tunggu apalagi segera miliki software canggih ini hanya dengan Rp. 285,000,-
diskon khusus untuk pemesanan hari ini

Jika anda berminat bisa menghubungi saya di nomor kontak dibawah ini:

Ruly Abdillah Ginting,
Griya Batuaji Asri Blok X No. 19 - Batam
Email :
Handphone: 08127015790
Yahoo Msg: Chat With Us
Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan mentransfer uang ke rekening dibawah ini:
Hanya Rp. 285.000 Saja
Silahkan Lakukan Pembayaran Ke Rekening Dibawah Ini
BCA Cabang Nagoya - Batam
No Rekening : 3403431059
Bank Mandiri Cabang Batam Industrial Park
No Rekening : 1090009967308
Bank BNI Cabang Sei Panas - Batam
No Rekening : 0214822882
Bank Syariah Mandiri - Batam
No Rekening : 7006478144
terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda berbisnis dengan kami, software pesanan anda akan segera kami kirimkan ke alamat email anda.
Jika anda berminat kami menawarkan paket bundling pembelian program perhitungan minyak ini dan Program Draft Survey Software hanya dengan
Rp. 500,000,-

PT. Binaga Ocean Surveyor was an Excellent Marine Surveyor at Batam, Indonesia.

PT. Binaga Ocean Surveyor was present to provide an excellent service for marine surveying in Batam and all of Indonesian port. Our Marine Surveyor will ensure that your cargo in good lifting and to obtained the loading activity in safe condition and make sure your cargo received in good condition until received at the destination.

It is our pleasure to introduce you, our Marine Surveyor company and services in Indonesia, hope we can make cooperation in the future. 

The Binaga Ocean Surveyor is an independent professional marine consultancy firm delivering a wide range of marine survey and cargo inspection services to numerous customers especially shipowners, charterers, operators and agents. We offer large proportion of professional Marine Survey and Marine Consultancy for your shipping business. We offer the most comprehensive and professional Marine Survey services, with Competitive Rates. 

Our Services are available 24 hours all through the year for your convenience. It was a great pleasure having an opportunity from your good company, just dial +628117775790 for more information regarding Marine Survey in Batam, Indonesia.

Therefore, we would like to have the opportunity to conduct different or other kind of jobs which still in our scope which you may find as following:

Marine Survey and Inspection Services

    Towing Approval Survey.
    On Hire / Off Hire Survey
    Off Hire Bunker & Condition Survey
    Bunker Survey
    Container Inspection
    Damage Investigation
    Towing and Lashing Survey
    Condition Survey
    Follow up Survey
    Tally and condition survey
    Inspection for cargo quantity and condition during stuffing and un-stuffing
    Pre-shipment and Preloading Survey
    Weighing and measuring
    Pre break-bulk, opening seals/unsealing
    Cargo damage survey
    Cargo sampling
    Loading & discharging supervision
    Pre Purchase Condition Surveys
    Free Gas Survey
    Expedite Survey
    Draft Survey
    Hold Cleanliness
    Tally and Condition Survey
    Measuring and Condition Survey
    Cargo Insurance
    Investigation Survey
    Weighing Survey
    Loading or Discharging Supervision Survey.
    Stuffing survey. 
    Tank Cleanliness Survey 
    Pre-Hire Condition Survey
    Damaged Survey.
    P&I Matters Survey.
    Non Destructive Test certification.
   Lifting gear test & Assessments for heavy lifting equipment certification.
   Underwater survey.
   Tank Calibrations and issued Tanks Table
   Bathymetric survey
    Pre-shipment Inspection

Marine Survey for Liquid Cargo (Petroleum, Chemical and Palm Oil Products)
    Independent Marine Surveyor for General Cargo, Coal, Cotton, Liquid Cargo (Petroleum,   
    Chemical and Palm Oil Products) Survey and Inspection.
    Loading / Discharging Superintendence
    Loss Control / Cargo Damage Survey
    Shore / Ship Tanks Cleanliness Survey
    ROB Inspection
    Sampling and Analysis
    ROB Fuel Consumption/bunker survey
    Pre-shipment inspection
    Tank cleanliness inspection
    Oil losses inspection
    Bunker Survey

We expect to have a mutual business relationship with you in near future.
For more details our services please visit to our website and please do not hesitate to contact us for such inquiries.

Your kind attention and cooperation are much appreciated, we are looking forward to hearing good news from your side.

Please visit our addressed below ;
PT. Binaga Ocean Surveyor
Kabil Industrial Estate
Ruko CNN Blok D3 No. 3
Batu Besar, Nongsa, Batam, Indonesia
Phone : 08117775790
Email :
Website :

or visiting our fans fage on media social as follows:
Instagram :

PT. Binaga Ocean Surveyor is a Marine Surveyor company from Batam, Indonesia with reputable experience for marine surveying services on board the ship's and vessel. 

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