Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan minyak dikapal tanker atau oil barge (tongkang minyak).

Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

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A Marine Survey Report for Cargo Hold Condition and Draft Survey

 A Marine Survey Report for Cargo Hold Condition and Draft Survey for General Cargo Ship's

Cargo Hold Condition & Draft Survey
a couple week ago Marine Surveyor Indonesia conduct a Draft Survey & Cargo Hold Condition Survey on board A General Cargo Ship Vessel, the survey always request together prior commencement a loading supervision progress by interest party business likely Shipper, Consignee, Underwriter, P&I Clubs, Ship's Owner or Broker and another interest business party.  

Usually, the Cargo Hold Condition Survey was conduct first then followed with a Draft Survey for initial loading was followed, please find a example report for Cargo Hold Condition Survey and Draft Survey below for your reference only.

Example A Marine Survey Report of Cargo Hold Condition Survey and Draft Survey on board a General Cargo Ship's MV. PINE 3 while a Loading of bulk cargoes of Granular Urea In Bulk from Pupuk Kaltim (PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur) from another a marine surveyor company that i was found from Internet by Google Search Engine as follow;

mv. pine 3
mv. pine 3
The vessel is a single screw, all steel welded General Cargo Vessel, construction built on 2011, registered at Panama with Lloyd’s Register Classification Society. Official number 42327-11-A, and gross tonnage 22,998 tons. Installed 5 (five) cargo holds with TTS weather-tight double skin folding type hatch covers opening direct to forward and afterward with flat top and out-placed hydraulic cylinders. 5 cargo holds are open tween decks and with raised hatch coamings. She was equipped with 5 electro hydraulic deck cranes

During The Cargo Hold Condition Survey perform on board in surveying, the surveyor should be ensure the following term and conditions:
  • Inspections must be carried out during daylight hours only,
  • The Cargo Hatch cover is fully opened,
  • Use of man lifts (where available) to enable proper access to all areas of holds.
  • Appropriate high powered hand held lighting and extendible mirrors should be used to assist in inspections.
  • Free from ANY previous cargo residues
  • Free from loose rust, scale or paint.  Painted surfaces must be properly applied and cured
  • Dry and clean
  • Free from odours
  • In all ways in a suitable condition, fit and safe to receive and preserve the intended cargo
  • Particular emphasis on previous cargo residue on overhead beams, hatch-end beams, hatch joints and hinges, frame brackets, pipe brackets, ladder ways, manhole covers etc
  • It is recommended that where practical, chalk should be used to mark the sides and ends of holds after a section has been inspected to ensure that no part of the superstructure is missed with the movement of the man-lift up and down or sideways for cleaning purposes.
  • Hatch covers should be opened and closed at least 3 times each prior to cleaning, to shake down any remnants of past cargoes.  This action is extremely important if any of the past 3 cargoes have been Agricultural products, specifically grain.
Although not part of a vessel cleanliness inspection it is requested that the following is also checked and reported on:
  • All bilge covers, access covers, tank-top covers should be inspected and properly secured
  • Bilge wells should be clean and dry with pumps in good working order
  • Tank-tops should be free from protrusions, container fittings, pad eyes and the like
  • Hatch covers must be demonstrably watertight with all seals and sealing faces in position and properly maintained
This document is designed as a GUIDE ONLY and covers minimum requirements which should be used by load-port surveyors in conjunction with the surveyor’s own experience, expertise and common sense in order to avoid cargo contamination and loss.

If necessary, this authority includes:
(a) Ability to delay loading of the vessel so inspection is performed in daylight hours
(b) Calling for extra ship’s lighting to assist with inspection
(c) Insisting on provision of mechanical man-lifter to facilitate inspection where available
(d) Interrupt loading after sufficient cargo loaded to enable “walk over” inspection when cargo will subsequently fill hold

As a marine surveyor, it is very important that no indication verbally or in writing is given to the suppliers, owners, agents, masters or their appointed surveyors that you are taking over their responsibility for presenting the vessel ready for loading.

As marine surveyor, any certificate or statement should indicate that you are only certifying that the holds were inspected and found to have been presented clean, dry and apparently grain free in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party, as stated by the Master

PS: For additional references you could download the following material :
The Standard Club: Bulk Cargoes – Hold Preparation and Cleaning


The initial draft reading and Initial sounding of ballast water was carried out on board with joint together with attending parties concerned, during the initial draft readings, all de-ballasting operations were ceased, The ballast, fresh water, fuel tanks were sounded in our presence. It was reported by the Chief Officer that the constant is 450 MT. and the consumables as stated below 

The above computations are based on tables found on board and the survey and calculations was carried out in the presence of the vessel’s Chief Officer. A Cargo Hold Condition Survey and Draft Survey for marine survey performance by Marine Surveyor should be reported into  A Marine Survey Report for Cargo Hold Condition and Draft Survey

if you interest with a Draft Survey Calculation Program Computation, please visit to Draft Survey Software website at or read a review of this draft survey software for bulk cargoes on board for your reference and studying, please read at this link website at

sources :
Sources : - UK P&I – New Standards of Hold Cleanliness/

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