Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan minyak dikapal tanker atau oil barge (tongkang minyak).

Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

Kami juga memiliki Table ASTM digital untuk Table 53, 54, 54B, 56 dan 57 , yang akan kami berikan kepada anda gratis, sebagai bonus perkenalan.

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Suitability & Condition Survey


Marine Surveyor Indonesia have order to conduct the Suitability and Condition Survey for MV. BIG ORANGE XIX at Tuas, Singapore around end January 2014.

The suitability condition survey of MV. BIG ORANGE XIX  was conducted on January 17, 2014 whilst she was safely berthed alongside at the jetty Pacific Richfield Marine Shipyard, Tuas, Singapore  with the purpose to check the real condition of the vessel. We conducted detail inspection on the vessel by checking on the vessel’s documents/certificates, physical hull & machinery, interior & equipment.
Condition of External port and starboard shell plating above the waterline was found old coated with stain rust at various place, but generally in fair condition.

Propulsion system, main engine, auxiliary engine and other machineries including panel control were reportedly in operating order and the deck machineries reportedly in working order. 
Navigation and communication equipment such as GPS, marine VHF radio, compass, Echo Sounder and another navigations equipments, indicators and instrument panel control were found in good operating order. 
The safety equipment available on board such as life buoy, life raft, life jackets and fire fighting appliances are in good operating order. 
Engine room, machineries space and steering gear compartment appeared well maintained and noted to be in fair condition. 
Generally the vessel’s freeboard was noted to be structurally in sound condition. 
Around the vessel’s hull and beside constructed with half steel pipe fender provided with removable tire fenders. 
Each tire fender was connected by steel chain and fixed to the welded pad eyes at shell plate, the condition were noted in sound condition. 
The main deck and forecastle deck structure including bulwark were found in fair condition.  
External deck house or super structure including rails, ladder, windows and deck structure found in sound condition, exhaust funnel and ventilation were found in fair condition as well. 
The top wheelhouse (monkey island) including mast light, rails and ladder were found in fair condition. Wheelhouse including console and desk was found in sound condition. The interior accommodation, cabins, galley, store, toilet including staircase generally appear in fair condition. 

§  Name of Vessel                : MV. BIG ORANGE XIX
§ Call Sign                           : POTO
§  Flag                                : Indonesia
§  Port of Registry                 : Jakarta
§  IMO Number                    : 8117744
§  Type of Vessel                  : Supply Vessel
§  Built                                : 1981/Santan Engineering Shipyard, Singapore
§  Class                               : BKI
§  Gross/Net Tonnage            : 1,124 / 337
§  L.O.A/L.B.P                      : 60.50 M/58.00 M
§  Breath Moulded                 : 16.20 M
§  Depth                              :   4.50 M
§  Main Engine                      : 2 x 950 BHP, Detroit Diesel type GM12V149N
§  Generator                        : 3 x 90 KW Detroit Diesel type 471
§  Bow Thruster                    : 1 x 4.5T Detroit type 12V-71T
           §   Owners                              : PT. Jason Marintama Servindo 

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