Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan minyak dikapal tanker atau oil barge (tongkang minyak).

Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

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Apa itu Bunker Survey ?

Apa itu Bunker Survey ? What is Bunker Survey?

Table ASTM & Program Perhitungan Minyak Pertamina - Apa itu Bunker Survey ? mungkin diantara rekan pengunjnug blog ini Table ASTM & Program Perhitungan Minyak Pertamina ada yang bertanya seperti itu, disini kami ingin sedikit share tentang Apa itu Bunker Survey ?
What is Bunker Survey? any body know? Bunker Survey adalah survey yang dilakukan pada saat pengisian bahan bakar minyak kapal laut, namun pengisian minyak pesawat udara pun dapat juga di sebut dengan Bunker Survey, nah pada saat bunker survey inilah anda membutuhkan Table ASTM Digital & Program Perhitungan Minyak Pertamina.

What is Bunker Survey ? Bunker Survey is an examination of the ship's fuel to ascertain its total on board quantity. it can be ROB quantity, ROB is Remaining On Board of fuel oils like MGO (marine gas oil) or MFO (Marine Fuel Oil) or LSFO (low sulphur fuel oil) or HSFO (high sulfur fuel oil) or LSMDO (low sulfur marine diesel oil) and you know any many type or fuel oil consumption by ship's or vessel now

For yours information below is mean or Bunker and survey for your perusal as follow;
Bunker is means of Fuel of a car, ship, vessel, craft, plane or other means of transportation in order to make the, move or running. Related with Bunker Survey onboard a ship, mostly the fuel is oil, either MFO (Marine Fuel Oil), MGO (marine gas oil) or LSFO (low sulphur fuel oil) or HSFO (high sulfur fuel oil) or LSMDO (low sulfur marine diesel oil), HSD (high speed diesel) or other call name.

Survey is means of To view and examine the condition of an object. How to examine an object in a bunker survey? to examine an object in a bunker survey due to by Mostly visual observation, facts finding, about the general data and idea, by measurements, technicals matters, etc. and, if needed, provide recommendation.

but have some understanding that a bunker means Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) or Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) or Marine Gas Oil (MGO) by refer to SS.600:2008, Singapore Standard, Code of practice for bunkering, published by Spring Singapore.

and refer to SS600:2008, Singapore Standard, Code of practice for bunkering, published by Spring Singapore, Bunker Surveyor is The person who hold a valid bunker surveyor license issued by the implementing authority.
Surveyor is the person who conduct the survey, for doing the job, the person is expected to be independent and backed up by sufficient professionalism. Therefore his/her behavior should be based on code of ethics and professional conduct.
and Marine Surveyor is defined as; A person who uses his/her particular skill and expertise (based on established competence of ships, boats, cargoes and the sea) to look at and report on the factual condition of any ship, cargo or thing appertaining to ship, cargoes and their respective enviroments.

What is the purpose of Bunker Survey ?
The purpose of Bunker Survey is to establish the quantity og bunker (its can be OBQ (on board quantity) or ROB (remaining on board) quantity) at time of survey present.

Why do we conduct the Bunker Survey ?
in case of below condition you need to conduct a bunker survey come on board your vessel;
1. Ship delivery or vessel redelivery, the reason is to ascertain the quantity of bunker that must be returned by Charterer to the Owner at the end of the charter party.
2. Being "off-hired" when a ship is still under charter, the reason is to ascertain the consumed bunker during "off-hire time" that falls under Owner's responsibility.
3. Supplying bunker, either ship to ship or shore to ship, the reason is to prevent "cheating" on the supplied quantity.
4. Certain purposes, the reason is for Adjusting log book entry "on the spot checking" of actual quantity onboard (OBQ/ROB)

How do we conduct a Bunker Survey ?
Short Answer is in accordance with stardartd work instruction by your own marine survey company
The complicated answer is refer to SS600:2008, Singapore Standard, Code of practice for bunkering, published by Spring Singapore;
1. Time Log
    Surveyors shall record the time of all relevant events related to the entire bunkering operation until their return to base.
2. Pre Delivery
    Conference, checks on receiving vessel, checks on bunker tanker vessel
3. Delivery
    Surveyor should be observed; hoses connection, sampling, pumping rate, leakage, presence of unauthorized bunker tanker, blending operation and line clearing of bunker hoses or pipe line.
4. Post Delivery
    Checks on receiving vessel and check on bunker tanker vessel also.

oke, the above is a Bunker Survey information by a Marine Surveyor Indonesia who live in Batam is Mr. Ruly Abdillah Ginting you can call on his email at Marine.Surveyor.Indonesia(at), i have you now already know and understanding of Bunker, understanding of Survey, understanding of Bunker Survey, Understanding for what is the purpose and reason to conduct a Bunker Survey on board the vessel and Understanding on how we conduct the Bunker Survey, including the Bunker Survey Calculation.

Thank you for visiting us a Marine Surveyor Indonesia Blog at this blog website addressed

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