Cara Mengerjakan Lashing Securing & Stowage Condition Survey
Selain Towing & Lashing Survey ataupun Towing Survey atau Towing Approval Survey ada lagi satu jenis marine survey yang hampir dengan Cara Mengerjakan Towing and Lashing Survey, hanya saja ini lebih ke barang yang di muat oleh kapal tersebut.
Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey bisa
berarti sebuah inspection atau pemeriksaan dan pengawasan pengamanan
atas "pengikatan" cargo / barang muatan kapal untuk proses transportasi laut, darat dan atau udara sehingga
dapat dijamin aman sampai di tempat tujuan. Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey adalah untuk mengecek keamanan
pengikatan cargo baik melalui transportasi darat, transportasi laut
maupun udara. Walaupun dengan adanya lashing securing perlu juga
diperhatikan pengaturan penempatan muatan atau stowage plan agar muatan
betul-betul aman untuk proses transport.
lashing securing dapat kita jumpai pada proses transportasi dengan
berbagai macam cargo dan atau muatan diantaranya :
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Lashing cargo container di atas Kapal |
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Lashing cargo diatas kapal LCT |
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Lashing cargo di Tongkang |
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Lashing cargo di atas Flat rack |
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lashing cargo di dalam container |
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Lashing cargo diatas Lowbed |
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Lashing cargo dia atas Multi axel / cometto |
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Lashing cargo di pesawat |
Peralatan-peralatan yang biasa digunakan untuk lashing/pengikatan cargo mauatan agar benar-benar Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey aman dan baik adalah sebagi berikut :
1. Wire sling untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
3. Sling belt untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
4. Wire clips untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
5. Turnbuckles untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
6. Rigging untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
7. Shackle untuk Lashing Securing Stowage & Condition Survey
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Cargo care at sea

A) Lashing check
Condition of Cargo (Container) Securing / Lashing shall be checked at least once daily and tightened as required.
In case of Heavy weather, more frequent lashing checks to be carried out and additional lashing taken as necessary, at masters discretion.
B) Prevent for Wet damage for Cargo
At sea, careful Sounding of Cargo Hold Bilges is paramount to early detection of potential damage to cargo due to ingress of sea water or leakages from water or oil systems on board.
Water accumulated inside Cargo Holds due to rain or other reason shall be removed well before it rises to a level where the lower tier containers are affected and cargo within may be subject to Wet damage.
Bilge sounding shall be carried out at least once a day, In port, cargo hold bilges shall be drained into a holding tank where provided and pumping overboard shall be avoided as far as possible.
Careful checks must be made before pumping Cargo Hold Bilges overboard to ensure no danger of Pollution by Oil or Contaminants.
C) Prevent for Cargo damage
Dangerous goods
Containers are to be visually checked at random to determine if they continue to remain in good condition. D.G containers require special attention and must be checked for Leakages/Damages.
D) Refer containers
All Reefer containers shall be monitored for condition and proper functioning at least Twice daily.
More frequent monitoring will be required in case of special/VIP reefer cargo containers and units giving trouble or suspected to be malfunctioning.
E) Cargo & Hull damage
If despite observing due diligence, damage to cargo or hull has occurred, the master shall take prudent action to minimize such damage and promptly report the facts to the company. The master shall make appropriate entries in the Ships Log Book and also preserve all relevant records including navigation charts, navigational and meteorological equipment records and print outs, weather reports and other related documents. Such documents and records may be required as evidence in case of claims.
The Master shall prepare a Masters Report on the damages sustained and also lodge a Sea Protest at the next port before a notary public and have it notarized.
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Cara Mengerjakan Lashing Securing & Stowage Condition Survey semoga
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