Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

Kami akan memberikan kepada anda program perhitungan minyak untuk muatan cair produk petroleum, seperti product minyak pertamina.
Program ini bisa digunakan untuk menghitung muatan minyak dikapal tanker atau oil barge (tongkang minyak).

Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

Kami juga memiliki Table ASTM digital untuk Table 53, 54, 54B, 56 dan 57 , yang akan kami berikan kepada anda gratis, sebagai bonus perkenalan.

<<<< (gambar tampilan program)

Tunggu apalagi segera miliki software canggih ini hanya dengan Rp. 285,000,-
diskon khusus untuk pemesanan hari ini

Jika anda berminat bisa menghubungi saya di nomor kontak dibawah ini:

Ruly Abdillah Ginting,
Griya Batuaji Asri Blok X No. 19 - Batam
Email :
Handphone: 08127015790
Yahoo Msg: Chat With Us
Pembayaran bisa dilakukan dengan mentransfer uang ke rekening dibawah ini:
Hanya Rp. 285.000 Saja
Silahkan Lakukan Pembayaran Ke Rekening Dibawah Ini
BCA Cabang Nagoya - Batam
No Rekening : 3403431059
Bank Mandiri Cabang Batam Industrial Park
No Rekening : 1090009967308
Bank BNI Cabang Sei Panas - Batam
No Rekening : 0214822882
Bank Syariah Mandiri - Batam
No Rekening : 7006478144
terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda berbisnis dengan kami, software pesanan anda akan segera kami kirimkan ke alamat email anda.
Jika anda berminat kami menawarkan paket bundling pembelian program perhitungan minyak ini dan Program Draft Survey Software hanya dengan
Rp. 500,000,-

3 Type of P and I Pre Shipment Survey

3 Type of P and I Pre Shipment Survey

P and I Pre Shipment Survey

The intention of the P&I Pre-Shipment survey will very depending on who calls request for the survey, usually the survey request come from below party :

P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
1. For Ship Owners and their P&I Clubs

The purpose P&I Pre Shipment Surveys for Ship Owners and their P&I Clubs to make sure that the exact condition of the cargo prior to loading, the cargoes on loading is specified on the Bill of Lading (B/L) and due care has been taken in preparing the ship for the cargo. The reason is they know that the large cargo claims are likely to arise, by pre-shipment survey they can more easly refute damage claims

P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
2.  P&I Pre-Shipment survey For Underwriter of the Cargo
 The purpose P&I Pre Shipment Surveys for For Underwriter of the Cargo is to protect the underwriter's interest by ensuring that the carriers observes good practice, as stipulated by the Marine Surveyor Indonesia, the reason is when high value cargo is to be shipped.

P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
P&I Pre Shipment Surveys
3. P&I Pre-Shipment Survey For Shipper
The purpose of P&I Pre-Shipment Survey For Shipper is to protect their product from poor stowage or to provide evidence of quality of the cargo at export.

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