Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

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Towing and Lashing Survey Tongkang Pacific Star 18

Towing and Lashing Survey Tongkang Pacific Star 18

In compliance with the instruction from the ship's owner with reference to their email message  our Surveyor from Klang Office did attend on board the vessels:
 whilst they were lying afloat and berthing at Sritama Sdn Bhd Jetty, Klang - Malaysia, in order to conduct a “Towing & Lashing Survey”
The TB. KARYA PACIFIC 11 & BG. PACIFIC STAR 18 was surveyed . The survey was conducted in order to check the cargo condition, tug boat and barge condition which generally was found in satisfactory condition.  The cargo stowage, lashing and towing arrangements are sufficient and the vessels are fit to proceed with their voyage from Sritama Sdn Bhd Port, Klang, Malaysia to Tanjung Karas, Samarinda, Kalimantan, Indonesia. 
Towing and Lashing Survey Tongkang Pacific Star 18
Towing and Lashing Survey Tongkang Pacific Star 18

Tug's Particulars
·    Name of Tug Boat                :         TB. KARYA PACIFIC 11
·    Type of Vessel                     :         Steel Tug
  • Call Sign                           :         YDA 4971
  • Port of Registry                  :         Tanjung Priok
  • Flag                                 :         Indonesia
  • Classification                     :         BKI
  • Gross Tonnage                  :         207
  • Net Tonnage                     :         63
  • Dimensions                       :         27.00 M (L.O.A)
  •                                                          8.20  M (Breadth Moulded)
  •                                                           4.00  M (Depth Moulded)
  • Built                                 :         2011/Batam, Indonesia
  • Owner Name                     :         PT. Karya Pacific Shipping
  • Main Engine                       :         2 x Yanmar Marine Diesel Engine
                                                       Model 12LAKM-STE2 (1100 HP/1850 RPM)
  • Local Agent                       :         Titimas Shipping Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
  • Name of Master                 :         Capt. Muhammad Azmi

Barge's Particulars
§  Name of Barge               :         BG. PACIFIC STAR 18
§  Type of Vessel                          :         Flat Deck Barge
§ Port of Registry                  :         Tanjung Priok
§ Flag                                 :         Indonesia
§ Classification                     :         BKI
§ Gross Tonnage                  :         3,245
§ Net Tonnage                     :           974
§ Dimensions                       :         91.44 M (L.O.A) / 87.78 M (LBP)
§                                                 25.60  M (Breadth Moulded)
§                                                 5.49  M (Depth Moulded)
§ Built                                 :         2012/Batam, Indonesia
§ Owner Name                     :         PT. Karya Pacific Shipping
§ Local Agent                       :         Titimas Shipping Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

Packing List No. 13684
§  Description of goods        : Completed Set of Machineries and Equipment
                                           for Crude Palm Oil Mill               
§Total                                : 542 packages
§ Shipper                            :  Cedar Engineering Sdn Bhd
                                          Lot 803 Jalan Subang 5, Taman Perindustrian Subang
                                         47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
                                          Phone : (603) 56349097
                                         Fax : (603) 56349098      
§ Consignee                         : PT. Karya Teknik Plantation
                                         Desa Sumber Sari, Kecamatan Sebulu
                                         Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia                
§  Port of Loading                 :  Sri Tama Port, Klang, Malaysia
§ Port of Discharge               :  Tanjung Karas, Samarinda, Kalimantan, Indonesia
          Condition of the Tugboat
The TB. KARYA PACIFIC 11 was surveyed at Sritama Sdn Bhd Port on March 05, 2014. The Condition Survey was carried out of the external only. All structures and plating were counted from fore to aft, port to starboard, unless otherwise stated.
The tug boat “KARYA PACIFIC 11” is a steel tug of all steel welded construction with 2 units of Yanmar Diesel Engine Type of 12LAKM-STE2 1100 HP @1840 Rpm, moderate displacement, rake bow, straight side and angular stern. Her main deck is surmounted with a single course deck house with a set of maneuvering controls facing forward. 
      Navigation and communication devices such as Radar, GPS, Compass, SSB Radio   and marine VHF were found in good condition and working order.
Life saving appliances and fire fighting equipments such as life rafts, life jackets, life buoys and portable fire extinguisher were available on board and ready for use in such of emergency situation.
Main engine, auxiliary engine and other machineries were not tested due to their efficiency however it was reportedly by Chief Engineer all machineries were noted in working order, except generator starboard engine still under maintained when we surveyed.
                     Condition of the Barge
The BG. PACIFIC STAR 18was surveyed at Sritama Jetty on March 05, 2014. The barge “PACIFIC STAR 18” is a steel barge of all steel welded constructions with swim ends, provided with cargo stanchions and sideboard at port and starboard side respectively and found in satisfactory condition.
       Her main deck was found satisfactory condition. Ship side external and internally plating was considered to be satisfactory condition.
       Towing brackets with smith pad eyes was provided at forward and found in good condition while the emergency towing was also noted in an apparent sound condition.
       One unit of hand winch with anchor was available at fwd side and found in operational condition.

              Cargo’s Stowage
At the time before the cargo stowed on board the barge we noted that the cargo of Completed set of Machineries and equipments for Crude Palm Oil Mill were properly not covered by tarpaulin and stowed at the open yard of Sritama Sdn Bhd, Malaysia premises.
Loading the cargo by loader for inland transportation from Sritama Premises to ship side barge Pacific Star 18 was carried out by means of shore Loader with capacity 50 Tons SWL. The cargo concerned was carefully handled in order to prevent any risk of damage and then properly stowed on the loaders in lengthwise position. During inland voyage transportation from Sritama premises to ship side distance about 1 km, no damage was reported.
Loading the cargo on to the barge’s deck was carried out by means of shore crawler crane 2 (two) unit PH Kobelco type with capacity 45 Tons SWL including spreader bar, wire rope and shackles. The cargo concerned was carefully handled in order to prevent any risk of damage and then properly stowed on the barge’s deck in various kind, athwart and lengthwise position.
        Cargo Lashing / Securing         
             Completed set of Machineries and equipments for Crude Palm Oil Millwere lashed/secured as follows:
   All cargoes were properly stowage on the barge deck, there are not lashing applied against cargo on barge deck, the lashing only applied on the top of cargo from sideboard port side to sideboard starboard side, each sideboard side was lashed/secured at 8 points by using wire lashing of 5/8” dia, wire clips, shackles, turnbuckles and steel pad eyes. Each lashing point was tightened by turnbuckles to the available pad eyes.

Prior to departure, the towing arrangement was inspected and found as follows:
A tow of the main tow line of 200 m of 10” circ. of polypropylene rope was connected to the towing hook on the tug and another one end connected to the 2nd towing line of 60 m of 10” circ. of Polypropylene rope by using shackle of 35 Tons SWL and one end of 2nd towing line was then connected to a pair of 10” circ. Of Polypropylene rope of 25 m in length by using shackle of 35 Tons SWL and finally the chain wire bridles end to be connected to a pair of smith pad eyes on board the barge.
§  Port of departure               : Sritama Sdn Bhd  Port, Klang, Malaysia
§  Destination                       : Tanjung Karas, Samarinda, Kalimanatan Timur
§  Distance between ports       : About 1100 nautical miles
§  Towing speed                    : 6 knots
  • Schedule route                   : Klang – Selat Malaka - Selat Durian – Selat Berhala –
                                             Selat Bangka – Laut Jawa – Selat Makassar – Muara
                                                  Pagah – Tanjung Karas, Samarinda     
  • March 08, 2014 at 09.00 hrs LT   :  E.T.D from Sritama Sdn Bhd Klang
  • March 16, 2014 AM                   :  E.T.A Tanjung Karas, Samarinda,Indonesia
  • Voyage Duration                          : 8 days
The Tug Boat
Consumable                   Remaining on board          Daily Consumption
H.S.D                                    34,000 Liter                       4,300 Liter
Fresh Water                           10,000 Liter                       2,000 Liter
Provision:                     not sufficient for the purpose voyage should be bunkering
The Barge draft             Fore: 1.50 M and Aft: 2.00 M
§  Bunker remaining on board not sufficient for the purpose voyage should be get bunkering on board prior sailing.
§  All recommendation made on preparation for the contemplated voyage have been completed with our satisfaction except the attached “Recommendation to the Master” which to be complied enroute as well as tug/barge’s condition.
§  We are of the opinion that stowage, lashing/securing of the cargo and towing arrangements are sufficient and the carriers are fit to proceed in transportation for the contemplated voyage. Should there any alternation to the carrier or other arrangement occurs, this certificate become invalid pending a survey by marine surveyor indonesisa di Batam.

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