Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

Anda ingin bisa menghitung jumlah muatan minyak seperti bensin atau solar?

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Dapat digunakan untuk menghitung semua jenis Produk turunan minyak petroleum seperti gasoline(bensin, premium, pertamax), kerosine (minyak lampu, minyak tanah), HSD (Solar, MGO), HFO (minyak bakar, minyak hitam), Avtur dan lain sebagainya.

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Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph

Mv. Thorco Triump arrived at Kabil, Batam, Indonesia on Nopember 18, 2013 for Loading of cargo of Steel Pipe from PT. Citra Tubindo, Kabil, Batam, Indonesia. She is MV. Thorco Triumph berthing at Jetty No. 6 of SCN Port, (Sarana Citra Nusa Kabil Port) on November 19, 2013 at 1900 hrs (hours local time).

Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph
Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph
Before Loading, the cargo was stacked at open yard of PT. Citra Tubindo premises was stowed on open yard and not properly covered with plastic sheet for protection and exposed to weather and dust. The cargoes were open end pipe both side without end caps protector, in looses packed and coated. Prior to loading some of the cargoes were found unclean, dust stained, spot rusted and slightly scratched at several places on externally and internally surface. 

Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph
Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph

The cargoes were loaded on to the cargo holds from the truck trailers by using 1 (one) unit ship’s derrick crane of 30 tons SWL each. Loading on the vessel in smooth condition and no cargo damaged were noted prior to and during Loading on board MV. “THORCO TRIUMPH” at Sarana Citra Nusa (SCN) Kabil Port, Batam, Indonesia.


§  Name of the vessel                    : MV. THORCO TRIUMPH

§  Call Sign                                   : 3 F B T 2

§  IMO No                                   : 9625437
§  Classification                             : Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK)
§  Port of Registry                         : Panama
§  Flag                                        : Panama
§  Type of Vessel                          : General Cargo Ship
§  Gross / Net Tonnage                  : 9,963 / 4,544
§  Built                                        : 2012 / Higaki Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
§  LOA                                        :    127.67 M.
§  Breadth Moulded                       :     19.60 M.
§  Depth Moulded                         :       9.45 M.
§  Hatches/Holds                          :  2 / 2
§  Capacity of cargo hold                :  18,601 M3
§  SWL of Derricks                        :  2 x 30 MT Deck Cranes
§  Main Engine                              :  MAN B&W 6S35MC 4200kW  
§  Owner                                     :  Thorco Shipping A/S

Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph
Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph

  • Packing List No.SI376/2013 PO No. SGAST13.0169-CITRA
Description of Goods :
     Casing, 13-5/8”OD, 88.2PPF, SM125S, R-3, VAM SLIJ-II C/W PROTECTOR INSTALLED 
§  Quantity                        :  368 Packages
§  Gross Weight                 :  585.710 MT
§  Shipper                         :  PT. CITRA TUBINDO
                                         Jl. Hang Kesturi 1
                                         Kabil-Batam, Indonesia
§  Consignee                     : Sumitomo Corporation Asia & Oceania Pte Ltd
§  Port of loading                : Kabil Port – Batam , Indonesia
§  Port of discharge            : Luanda, Angola
§  Ocean Vessel                 : MV. THORCO TRIUMPH

The Marine Surveyor Indonesia was conduct the Loading Survey Steel Pipe On Board MV. Thorco Triumph acting on behalf of CCIC Singapore.

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